I have been soccer-moming today.

And it’s not the first time either. Not long after the kids came to us, I had to take the kids to school by myself. I got up early and got organised. Got the kids in the car, and picked up a drive-thru coffee on the way. It wasn’t until I got to the school to get the kids out of the car that I realized what this was.

I have a one year old on my hip, latte in the other hand. I’m yelling at the two older kids getting out of my illegally verge-parked Toyota Prado, wearing active wear with no intention of doing anything active. Realising exactly how this looks, I embrace it and strut into the class area owning it.

I’m in a similar situation today because Em has gone to a training day supporting foster parents, it’s all about ‘managing disobedience’. I recommend that she go so that she can bring us both some tools to help nurture our kids, but I’m a little nervous now she may try to use these new skills on me!

Over the years we’d tried to conceive a baby, I always said to Em that I hoped our kids were more like her than me. I couldn’t handle more of me. I was pretty rebellious as a kid and disobedience was my forte. God help me if I had to raise a child like me.

Gods good like that I think. Our three are gems in one way or another. The course is more about equipping ourselves and learning all about working with kids who may have experienced trauma or anything untoward.

Book Launch will be at the Rose Hotel Bunbury on the 10th June, 7.30pm in the lounge bar.

Book Launch will be at the Rose Hotel Bunbury on the 10th June, 7.30pm in the lounge bar.

On another note…

We have set a release date for my book. June 10th at the local pub. And to be honest it’s with some trepidation that I look forward to the launch. The book is all about my story, and it’s told without holds. I have many friends, both within Christian circles, some of whom know little about my past. And I still have many close friends whom are not yet Christians, and understand little of my life’s transformation in recent years.

The reason for telling my story (I think- I was just obeying God) was twofold. One was because I realized that people going through tough times, need real testimonies to light the way through the pain. Relate-able, encouraging, & honest stories of God’s faithfulness to testify about the God whom they trust in. And maybe if he can do it for me, then he can most certainly do it for you.

Secondly because I got sick of hearing the comment, “Men need to rise up and…” (fill in the rest as suits your agenda). And although the comment is generally used in a positive sense, it got me thinking. ‘Do men really need to rise up?’ Wars and battles, murders and rapes have been driven by this manly desire to ‘rise up’. And these things are not good things by any stretch of the imagination.

It came to me that the only way men will ever be lifted is by Gods’ hand, and to position one’s self in said hand, you’d need to first get on your knees. That’s right, I believe men will only ever rise up on their knees in complete surrender and vulnerability. Exposing all for God to see, and being vulnerable with those around that, in the same position can help that Man overcome his hurdles and become all that God intended for him to be.

So instead of combating this commonly used phrase, I thought I’d just do it. Be vulnerable. Almost every single one of my more significant mistakes will be published on black and white paper for all to see. And I’m completely OK with that. On my journey in recent years I've discovered something very profound...

Vulnerability is the gateway to change.

I understand my mistakes don’t define me, but they have certainly helped shape who I am today. Without them, and without seeing how great they are, I would simply have never understood how much greater my God is. And that’s worth more than any mistake will ever cost me.

So with some nerves abounding I look forward to seeing my story provoke other men to step out and surrender all, to express their vulnerable stories, warts and all. And commit to see God do what only he can do, transform and re-build what seems broken beyond repair.
